Get Involved
If you appreciate Jalmus and would like to help out, you could give us feedback or report bugs .
You can join the development team and help us improve Jalmus at the Berlios Developer Jalmus Project with all tools (Bug Tracking, Task System and Subversion (SVN) Repository ) for collaborating developement.
If you are fluent in both English and another language, you can help translate the Jalmus software and web site
Translation Instructions for Jalmus software
To start a new translation, download language files above or take them at "src directory" of your Jalmus installation.
Rename it "" (where xx is the ISO639 code for your language) before you begin translating.
To edit an existing translation, download the file for your language and send the corret file at
Translation Instructions for Web site
Contact us and we send you a personnal code to acces to writers area where you could make directly your translation.
Donate to support Jalmus development
Jalmus is an open source and free software written by volunteers in their spare time.
If you appreciate Jalmus and would like to help out, you can support Jalmus development by making a donation with PayPal system :
1. Get Involved, 15 June 2013, 20:11, by green-coder
That would be nice if the source code was on a place more accesible than berliOS .. for example, on GitHub.