KEILWERTH3000 - 4000 euros | 4200 - 5600 USDCaractéristiques
Bb tenor
Body made of nickel silver, black nickel plated and clear lacquered
Sophisticated engraving on bow, bell, body, and neck
silver-plated keys
Black key inlays of mother of pearl without metal rim
Ergonomically optimized key positioning for both hands
Adjustable palm keys
Newly positioned C/Eb key
Wide bow for a full, dynamic sound
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P.Mauriat PMXT-66R UL Tenor Sax
Saxophone ténor Cheminées cerclées, Clé de Fa# aigu, Bocal Super VI, Grand pavillon, En laiton doré, Gravé à la main, Boutons des clés en... |
3.299 € |