Jalmus documentation is now available on Jalmus Wikidoc .
I can’t install Jalmus
The install file "install-jalmus.jar" requires Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.5 and above to run. Get it for free at
You should run it by double-clicking, right click and "Execute with Sun JRE" or "java -jar install-jalmus.jar" in console.
I’ve no sound for Note reading game
On Windows, the JRE does not install a soundbank by default. Soudbank should be install with Jalmus but to verify it and copy the soundbank file follow instructions here.
MIDI keyboard connected via USB on MAC OS X doesn’t work
You can install Java Extension from Mandolane Limited to resolve this problem.
Unable to find a supported JDK or JRE version on Linux
You should add next variables on .bashrc file (modify them according to your java configuration) :
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre<br />
export PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${PATH}
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1. Help link to USB OSX fix-it dead, 10 August 2013, 16:39, by david
You can install Java Extension from Mandolane Limited to resolve this problem.
2. Why am I unable to connect my keyboard?, 14 October 2013, 08:36, by Jason
The software seems promising, but the midi capability is unable to pick up my Yamaha P90 Keyboard. I’ve tried other midi software like Synthesia and it was able to pick up on my midi connection. Any ideas?
I’ve got a Windows 8 Laptop, A Yamaha P90 Digital Stage Piano and a USB to MIDI cable if that’s of any help.
3. Help, 12 January 2014, 14:23, by Ralph
Jalmus doesn’t recognise my USB MIDI keyboard. I’m running windows 7 and Synthesia recognises it fine.
This help page for Jalmus only has a potential solution for Mac/Linux, the wiki doesn’t mention it, the mailing list appears dead and the sourceforge page for Jalmus has the forum disabled hence asking here.
4. FAQ —> I’ve no sound for Note reading game, 1 March 2014, 14:49, by TYVM
Please, forgive my bad english spoken cause i’m french.
In your FAQ you said :
- I’ve no sound for Note reading game
On Windows, the JRE does not install a soundbank by default. Soudbank should be install with Jalmus but to verify it and copy the soundbank file follow instructions here.
I think your link is a bit outdated and i found this one :
[+]Thanks by the way for your work, bests regards.